Saturday, July 21, 2012

Olympic Size Nightmares

London will be hosting the Summer Olympic Games in a few days. That is where the good news ends. Londoners are unhappy about many things: the persistent rainy season that refuses to go away, subway traffic (“absolute shambles”), road closings (“complete nightmare”), unsold tickets, the cost of the Olympics, poor community outreach, poor security arrangements and so on.

Asked “What do you feel about the Olympics?” the other day, a random sampling of people here gave answers that included bitter laughter; the words “fiasco,” “disaster” and “police state”; and detailed explanations of how they usually get to work, how that is no longer possible and how very unhappy that makes them.”

Reference: Lyall, Sarah, The Olympic Spirit, British Style: When Will This Nightmare End?, The New York Times, July 19, 2012


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